Executive Committee
  1. The Association is governed by its own Constitution.
  2. Twelve members of the Executive Committee (the Board) of the Association are elected through a voting process and with a term of two years in office.
  3. All Committee members are required to step down when their two years term ends. They are allowed to be nominated or elected again at the AGM, except Treasurers, who have to step down after two terms and cannot be re-elected in the treasurers’ post immediately. Treasurers will have to allow at least one term ‘break of service’, before they could be re-elected as treasurers again.
  4. The Executive Committee meets on a monthly basis (or at least 18 times within the two year’s term, as stipulated in the Constitution), with a quorum of at least 6 elected board members.
  5. Executive Committee serves the office on Voluntary basis and they are not paid any salary or honorarium.
  6. We have clear and stipulated guidelines on Board recruitment, induction process and training.
  7. No staff sits on the Executive Committee.
  8. The Executive Committee is actively involved in evaluating the organisation’s performance and service effectiveness.
  9. All Board members have equal access to organisation’s information, protocols and practises to make sound judgement and decisions.
  10. The Board provides strategic leadership, manages organisational risks related to longer-term sustainability of the organisation.
  11. The Board ensures that the organisation comply with all governing instruments, laws and regulations.
  12. The Board ensures ethical and transparent practises within the organisations.
  13. The Board encourages a good working relationship with all its stakeholders that are employees, volunteers, donors, members and beneficiaries that are based on mutual respects and commitment towards organisation’s values and mission.
  14. The Membership and Engagement Committee recommends to recruit younger members on the Board as ‘Interns’ in preparation for future leadership transition, succession plan and inject new ideas.
  15. The Board conducts self evaluation to assess its performance and effectiveness once during its term or as when necessary
  16. The Board is supported and advised by various sub-Committees and Professional advisors. The current sub-Committees for the term 2021-2023 are as follows;
    • HR and Nomination Sub-Committee
      - HR protocol and practices, recruitments, remunerations, competencies etc.
    • Organisational Risk and Strategy Sub-Committee
      - Evaluate Various organisational and strategic risks for long-term sustainability.
    • Fund-Raising, Finance & Investment Sub-Committee
      - Evaluate fund needed, fund allocation and investment of reserve fund.
    • Internal Control & Audit Sub-Committee
      - Evaluate and advise on ethical practises and compliances with regulatory framework.
    • IT Sub-Committee
      - Evaluate and advise on regular IT needs and upgrading requirements.
    • Membership and Engagement Sub-Committee
      - Assess needs and advise programmes to meet the needs and facilitate engagement.
    • Premises Sub-Committee
      - Evaluate regular needs and upgrading of HWA’s premises.
  1. The Annual Report of the Association is made available to all its stakeholders, that includes detailed information on its programmes and services, reports from the President and the Secretary, and the Audited Financial Statements.
  2. The Annual Report and financial statements are presented at its Annual General Meeting for adoption and approval by its members.
  3. The Association is committed to adhere closely to the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs).
  4. The Association discloses the annual remuneration detail of its key staff, who each receives remuneration exceeding $100,000 in its Financial Audit Report.
Financial Management and Controls
  1. Association’s operating and Financial Year is from April to March of the following year.
  2. The Board ensures that internal control systems and Standard Operating Procedures are in place and properly monitored.
  3. Three quotations are to be obtained when the purchase is S$1,000 and above. For expenditure within Budgeted amount, Managers / Executives to approve up to $500, above $500 to $2,000 Senior Managers to approve, above $2,001 to $10,000 Executive Director to approve, and above $10,001 Board Committee to approve.
  4. For better financial control, our cheque signatories are our Board members and none of the staff are authorised to make payment.
  5. The Board approves the annual operating budget and regularly monitors its expenditure through month-end status reports.
  6. The Board monitors its reserve and restricted funds through monthly status updates. The reserve fund is set aside to meet contingency needs and to safeguard the Charity's ability to continue. The restricted funds are utilised on an ongoing basis when required to meet its designated purpose.
  7. The Association discloses its reserves policy each year in the annual audited statement.
  8. The Association invests its reserves in accordance with the investment policy approved by the Board. Board seeks advice from professionals, if deemed necessary.
  9. At present, the Association has no loan policy except a micro-finance scheme supported through a trust fund, that encourages people with disabilities to start small-scale business and provides the seed funding for the new start-up.
  10. The Association only donates the unclaimed prizes to other charities.
HWA's constitution contains the fundamental principles which govern our operations and the bylaws established highlighting the procedures on how HWA should conduct its internal affairs.

To view and download click here (HWA's Contitution 2023)
Governance Evaluation Checklist
HWA adheres to the guidelines set out by the Office of the Commissioner of Charities (OCC), National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) for our charity activities.

To maintain good governance practices, HWA submits the Governance Evaluation Checklist annually through the online Charity Portal (www.charities.gov.sg). The Code covers key guidelines and best practices in areas of governance and management that charities are encouraged to adopt.
Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest
  1. The Association has the above policies in place for better checks and regulations.
  2. There are documented procedures for Board members and staff to declare, if there is any potential conflict of interest.
  3. It is advised, not to vote or participate in decision – making on matters where there could be a conflict of interest.
Strategic Planning
  1. The Board actively participates with key staff in reviewing the Strategic Plans of the Association on a regular basis, to ensure that the Association continues to meet its purpose and objectives,
  2. The plans are communicated with its stakeholders.
  3. The current thrust is towards improving quality of service and care that are provided to the beneficiaries and the effective uses of its operational resources to maximise overall organisational service efficiency.
  4. 3.1. Achieve pre-covid level service delivery at our earliest possibility.
    3.2. Achieve meeting at least 50% of the operational cost through various service provisions.
    3.3. Initiate new social and engagement activities for members.
    3.4. Relook at staff skills competency framework and create provisions for appropriate training and development to achieve service excellence.
Human Resource Management
  1. The Board, on recommendations from HR Sub-Committee, approves the HR policies for staff.
  2. The HR policies are reviewed yearly.
  3. Staff salaries are benchmarked with the Social Service Sector, Intermediate and Long Term Care Sector (ILTC).
  4. All Key staff appointments and remunerations are recommended by HR Sub-Committee to Board for approval and adoption.
  5. HR Sub-Committee works with HR Department in planning and implementing the Manpower Planning and Recruitment, Performance Development Review and the Competency Framework, Compensation and Benefit, Training and Development for all staff.
Fundraising Policy
  1. The Association has an ethical fundraising policy in place and practised accordingly.
  2. All fundraising events and programmes are conducted following the guidelines stipulated by relevant authorities.
  3. The Association carries out regular audits by the appointed external auditor after each major fund-raising activity and the statements are submitted to licensing authorities.
  4. The Association does not engage third-party fundraisers.
  5. As an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) charity, all donations collected by the Association are properly recorded, promptly deposited and notified via IPC link to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (for the purpose of tax-exemption).
Volunteer Management Policy
  1. Volunteers are a key cornerstone at HWA by committing their time and efforts to support our mission of serving persons with physical disability and the elderly. Volunteering with HWA can take many shapes and forms. Some activities include delivering of food rations, organising indoor and outdoor activities as well as participating in our fundraising events.
  2. HWA seeks to understand volunteers' needs and to align their interest with HWA's volunteering needs and opportunities.
  3. To prepare for their volunteering assignment, all volunteers (individual and corporate) are briefed on HWA's mission, services and fundraising events. Volunteers are specially orientated to the purposes and requirements of the volunteering service which they are undertaking.
Whistle Blowing Policy
We are committed to maintaining a high standard of moral and ethical conduct; on this note, we set out to comply with the requirements and stipulations of accounting, financial reporting, internal controls, corporate governance, auditing and any (other) relevant legislation. In line with this commitment and our belief in open communication and transparency, our Whistle-Blowing Policy aims to provide an avenue for our employees, volunteers and external parties to raise concerns, if any, and we offer the reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimisations for whistle blowing in good faith.

The Policy covers issues where the following may be suspected;
  1. Criminal offences
  2. Failure to comply with legal obligations
  3. Miscarriages of justice
  4. Actions which endanger the health or safety of staff and/or the public
  5. Actions which cause damage to the environment and,
  6. Actions which are intended to conceal any of the above.
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
HWA recognises its obligations, under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA), which includes the collection, use and disclosure of personal data, for the purpose(s) for which an individual has given consent.
The Personal Data collected by HWA include an individual’s full name, NRIC, passport or other identification number, telephone number(s),mailing address(es), e-mail address(es) and/or any other information relating to any individuals which the individual has provided us with, in any form(s) submitted to us, and/or via other forms of interaction with us.
HWA relies on personal data to provide its varied services, and therefore we entrust the individual to ensure that the personal data provided are accurate, complete and correct. Failure on the individual’s part to do so, may result in our inability to provide him/her with an effective rendering of the services requested from us.

Purposes for the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data
HWA collects, uses and discloses Personal Data for:
  1. Assessment of suitability for the programmes offered by HWA.
  2. Case management, assessment and planning of services.
  3. Contacting client and/or his/her family member(s) and/or significant other(s), for any purposes related to the services HWA is providing and/or on matters during the duration of the programme.
  4. Contacting HWA member and client and/or his/her family member(s) and/or significant other(s), for any purposes related to HWA events and volunteering engagements or projects for the duration of the programme.
  5. Referral to external agencies when required.
  6. Sharing and/or updating of client’s information and progress, under the pertinent programme, with any third-parties that are involved in the programme that client has signed up for.
  7. Generating reports and statistics.
  8. Internal records and references.
  9. Programme evaluation and/or research.
  10. Issuing of tax- exemption receipt(s).
  11. contacting the individual’s nominee(s), in relation to any emergencies.
  12. invitation(s) to HWA’s event(s),workshop(s) and/or activity/activities.
Consent to Disclosure of Personal Data
HWA will take reasonable steps to protect the individual’s Personal Data against unauthorised disclosure. Subject to the provisions of any applicable law, Personal Data belonging to our clients and/or family members, and/or others, may be disclosed, for the above purpose(s) to the pertinent parties, that may involve/include our partner, and/or supporting, government (-linked) agency/agencies, fellow Voluntary Welfare Organisation(s), corporate organisation(s), medical body/bodies, educational institutions(sw), regulators, law enforcement bodies/groups and/or any other relevant party/parties, at any stage(s) of our collaboration on, and/or actual execution of, the project(s) concerned. Photographs and/or video-recordings will be taken as well, during our events (including our annual social outreach and/or fundraising events, like our “HWA Wheel, Walk or Jog”, HWA Flag Day, HWA All-Cash Donation Draw, Members’ Year-end Party, Members’ Social Integration excursions/ outings/ trips/ workshops/ sessions/ training, etc.), throughout the year in review.

HWA would be informing all parties involved, via the pertinent invitation e-mail(s)/ flyer(s)/letter(s) and/or through (verbal) announcement(s) via our online/social media (including, but not limited to, our Website, Facebook page, e.g.) prior to, and possibly also on and/or following, the day(s) of the event concerned. The purpose of the phototaking and/or video recording for the event is primarily for HWA’s corporate reports and/or publications, meant mainly to publicise the event and/or any noteworthy aspect(s) of it (such as via HWA’s quarterly newsletter “Handicaps Digest”, Annual Report, Facebook page posting(s) and/or website posting(s)). Contacting HWA, Regarding Withdrawal of Consent, Access and/or Correction(s) of Personal Data

Should you;
  1. have any questions or feedback relating to your Personal Data and/or our Data Protection Policy,
  2. wish to withdraw your consent to any use of your Personal Data as set out in this Data Protection Policy and/or,
  3. wish to obtain access, and/or make any correction(s), to your Personal Data records, please contact HWA, by e-mailing and/or post mailing, us, as follows: - E-mail address: dpo@hwa.org.sg
    - Post mail address: Attention to Data Protection Officer
    Handicaps Welfare Association,16 Whampoa Drive Singapore 327725.