Both our Rehabilitation Centres served a total of 421 rehabilitation clients over the past financial year. Both centres have conducted a grand total of 15,004 Rehabilitation Sessions
Our wheelchair-inclusive transport Services have served beneficiaries on a total of 78,617 trips
,HWA has a total of 1,987 members,
Social Service Department has helped 42 individuals secure the Assistive Technology Fund (ATF), to aid them with purchasing assistive devices, helping them live independently and be self empowered.
HWA Home Care Services have served
289 Clients this financial year, with a total of
6,047 sessions the past financial year
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our donors and well-wisher for their whole-hearted support,
despite economic uncertainties. We have raised $2,599,511 in donations through various fund-raising events.
Independent Auditor's Report and Opinion
Please refer to the Financial Statement, click here
Related Party Transaction and Key Management Personnel's Compensation
Please refer to the Financial Statement (at Page 20), click here
Please refer to the Financial Statement, click here
Related Party Transaction and Key Management Personnel's Compensation
Please refer to the Financial Statement (at Page 20), click here