To inquire and apply to our services, Please fill out the form below.
Transport Inquiry Form

    Select the service you would like to know more about:

    Dial-a-RideMonthly Transport SchemeRehab Transport CharterDriving Instruction SchemeMedical Escort TransportAIC Centralised TransportMSF Dedicated TransportChartered Services

    Home Care Service Form

      Select the service you would like to know more about:

      Home MedicalHome NursingHome TherapySenior Home Care

      Membership Form
      People with physical disabilities, between the age of 18 and 70, are welcome to join HWA as a member to participate in its activities and benefit from its welfare programs. There are three categories of membership:

        Ordinary Membership   Life Membership   Associate Membership
      Ordinary membership is open to persons with physical disabilities and who are Singapore Citizens within the age group of 18 to 70 years old at the time of application. Conversion to Life Membership shall be opened to Ordinary Members with at least 5 continuous years of membership. Conversion is based on application and is subjected to approval by the Executive Committee and upon payment of $100.00 (one-time payment only) as conversion fee and a $6.00 charge for the card. Total payment of $106.00 Associate Membership shall be open to all other persons with physical disabilities within the age group of 18 to 70 years old at the time of application and who are not Singapore Citizens
      Fee: S$5.00 per year
      Entrance Fee: S$5.00 (one-time)
       Fee: S$100.00 Fee: S$10.00 per year
      Entrance Fee: S$10.00 (one-time)

      All membership applications are subjected to approval by the HWA Executive Committee.
      For Membership Application Form (pdf), please click here.
      For Membership Conversion Form (pdf), please click here.
      Please send your application form to, 16, Whampoa Drive, Singapore 327725
      * Please note that the Adobe Acrobat Reader® is required to view the above-mentioned forms.
      Update Membership Particulars
      Gentle Reminder – Update Your Particulars

      Thank you for being our greatest pillar of support. As you may know, our membership services currently oversee the interests and welfare of over 2,062 members. We plan and organize regular activities and outreach events for you.

      In our attempt to “Go Green” and to be more environmentally friendly, we will be slowly moving towards communicating through various electronic media, such as SMS, WhatsApp, email etc, instead of printing paper circulars that we are sending you currently. Such communications, not only are more easily accessible and reach you faster. It will also save a considerable amount of cost to our Association. We would appreciate your kind understanding and support on this matter.
      Please download the membership updating form.

      and return the completed form either (i) through email, (ii) take a photo and send via WhatsApp at 98156726, or (iii) by post to social service department, if you have not yet done this information updating. Please indicate your preferred mode of communication as you may only access our circulars from our E-platform such as website in future. Information of HWA’s activities will be updated regularly on our website.

      Thank you for the kind attention. Should there be any enquiries, kindly contact us at 62543006 and look for any one of the staff below from the Social Service Department.
      Volunteer Form

        AIC Referral Form for Community Services
        To enrol in HWA’s Rehabilitation Programme, please complete the relevant Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) Referral Form:

        AIC Referral Form (Community Services)