Frequently Asked Questions
What is fall risk?
- Fall Risk refers to the high possibility of a person falling down, due to old age and medical condition.
Am I eligible for this programme?
- If you have any one of the below applicable, you are eligible for the program.
- a history of falling down in the last year
- have a diagnosis of stroke or Parkinsons
- have problems with maintaining your balance
- unable to rise unaided from a sitting position.
How much does it cost?
- 12 Group Sessions -160.50
- 12 Personal Sessions – $770.40
- Members of HWA receive 10% discount
Who will be running this programme and where will it take place?
- The program will be run by our certified Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists. The Program will be held at HWA Rehabilitation Centre located at 16 Whampoa Drive, Singapore 327725
How long will the whole programme take?
- There will be an initial assessment
- The whole programme will take a total of 12 sessions spread out over 6 weeks with 2 sessions each week every Tuesday and Thursday. Each session will take up to 1-hour.
What are the benefits of this programme?
- Participants will be able to increase their awareness of fall risk management, reduce the likelihood of falling, and thus improve the overall quality of life with functional independence.
When will the programme start?
- The pilot programme for group & one to one sessions starts on Aug 15, 2019 till Sept 24, 2019 every Tuesday and Thursday