Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs) for traveling on public buses and trains (Update)

President’s Certificate of Commendation (COVID-19)
June 19, 2023
Progressive Wage Mark 2024
October 11, 2024

(*A supplementary FAQs to read in conjunction with the current FAQs for wheelchairs/PMAs on Public Transport)

A. Sign on Allowable Size and Weight of Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs) on Public Transport
B. Yellow PMA Dimension Checker at Train Stations

A. Sign on Allowable Size and Weight of Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs) on Public Transport

Q1: How are Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs) defined and categorised?

A: A Personal Mobility Aid (PMA) is a mobility device designed to carry an individual who is unable to walk or has difficulty in walking. It is equipped with a seat and has three or more wheels and a footboard supported by wheels. Wheelchairs, motorised wheelchairs, mobility scooters are examples of PMAs.

Q2: What is this PMA poster about and where is it displayed?

A: The PMA poster stipulates the allowable size and laden weight of PMAs allowed on public transport in Singapore. The posters will be displayed near the train station fare gates and at the rear/middle doors (for 3-door buses) of buses in consideration that these are points of entry for commuters using PMA.

Q3: What size and weight of PMA are allowed on wheelchair-accessible public buses and MRT/LRT trains?

A: The PMA should not exceed 1.2m (length), 0.7m (width) and 1.5m (refers to the height from the floor to the top of the PMA or the user’s head when seated, whichever is higher). The total weight of the PMA (device) together with the user should not exceed total load limit of 300kg.

Q4: Why is there a stipulation on the allowable size and weight of PMAs for travel on public buses and trains?

A: It is to allow PMA users to gain entry/exit safely and conveniently as the length and width of allowable PMAs take into account the dimensions of bus and train doors, and train station facilities. The allowable height is based on the maximum height limit of a seated PMA user who can safely board and travel on a public bus or train. The weight limit is based on the safe working load of bus ramps. The dimensions would cover the majority of PMA models in Singapore.

Q5: Does the PMA dimensions apply to PMAs on-board public buses and trains only?

A: Yes, the PMA dimensions apply to PMA users who want to board trains and buses in our PT network.

Q6: Why is the allowable height for PMA different from that of Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), foldable bicycles and other bulky items (i.e. 1.5m vs 0.7m)?

A: PMDs and bicycles have to be folded at all times when on board buses and trains for the safety and comfort of fellow commuters. The allowable dimensions are for these devices when folded. PMAs are meant for mobility-challenged individuals who may need to travel by public buses and trains. Therefore, the allowable height for PMAs includes the height of the seated users.

Q7: Will passengers using PMAs, exceeding the allowable size be allowed to board public buses or trains?

A: Bus Captains and Train Station Staff will exercise discretion to turn away commuters with PMAs exceeding the allowable size, height and weight.

Q8: I am a physically disabled person who is currently using a PMA, larger than the allowable sizes and I could not afford to purchase another suitable PMA. What should I do?

A: You may approach respective social service agencies to obtain relevant assistance.

Q9: How do I use my PMA safely inside train stations and on board the trains and public buses?

A: Similar to wheelchair users, commuters on PMAs should use the station lifts to travel between the station concourse and platform level. They are strongly encouraged to board and position the PMA with the brakes applied at the designated wheelchair space located within the wheelchair-friendly train cabin.

For travelling on a public bus, the Bus Captain will assist to deploy the ramp for the PMA user to board the bus and the PMA user shall position the PMA facing the rear of the bus in the designated wheelchair space, with the brakes applied. For commuters’ safety, PMA users should hold onto the handrails at all times. The PMA should not be positioned along the aisle or at any other location that obstructs the entry/exit of fellow commuters.

B. Yellow PMA Dimension Checker at Train Stations

Q10: What is the purpose of the PMA dimension checker at train stations? How many stations have such checkers been placed at?

PMA dimension checkers have been implemented at four train stations since end July 2022 as part of a one-year trial to assess their effectiveness in helping station staff evaluate whether the devices they encounter comply with the stipulated dimensions. PMA users can also use these as self-checkers to assess the dimensions of their devices.

The four stations are:

NO.MRT LineMRT Station
1North-South LineAng Mo Kio
2East-West Line and Downtown LineBugis
3Circle Line and Thomson East-Coast LineCaldecott
4North-East LinePotong Pasir

Q11: Why are these train stations selected for the trial?

These train stations were chosen as they cover all rail lines and include both interchange and non-interchange stations.

Q12: Why is the trial for dimension checker implemented now when there is an ongoing review of PMA usage by Active Mobility Advisory Panel (AMAP)?

Train operators have received feedback from commuters that oversized PMAs have been entering railway premises. Those who lodged feedback are concerned that these oversized PMAs may pose safety risks to other commuters, particularly to more vulnerable groups such as the young and elderly. The trial will help gauge the effectiveness of these checkers in helping station staff evaluate whether the PMAs they encounter comply with the stipulated dimensions. PMA users can also use these as self-checkers to assess the dimensions of their devices.

Q13: How will the dimension checkers be set up at the train stations?

The checker is outlined by yellow tape in front of the wide fare gates at the four stations. It is located 10cm in front of the fare gate to cater to the turning radius of the PMAs before they enter the paid area.

Please see the example below:

Image 1 – Mock up of PMA Dimension Checker in Front of Wide Fare Gate
Image 2 – Detailed Measurement of PMA Dimension Checker

Q14: How will the dimension checker help the rail operators in the enforcement of oversized PMAs?

These checkers can potentially make it easier for station staff to evaluate whether the PMAs they encounter comply with the stipulated dimensions of 120cm by 70cm. PMA users can also use them to check if their devices are within the allowable dimensions for use on public transport.

Q15: What happens if the PMA user does not comply with the size restriction?

The station staff will advise the PMA user that the device exceeded the maximum allowable size of 120cm by 70cm and it is not allowed on trains and in railway premises.

Q16: How do you determine whether the trial is effective/ successful?

Besides reviewing statistics of devices that have been checked, feedback from station staff, as well as commuters will help us in the evaluation of the trial and the determination of plans.

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